About the Firm
For over 25 years, Marc Koplowitz Associates has been a Toronto based downtown trusted advisor and advocate for clients ranging from corporations and private individuals to small businesses.

Our main goal is to assist you in the avoidance and resolution of disputes and for you to reach an outcome as a result of our involvement. We aim to do this in a professional, timely and cost effective manner. Even if our expertise does not cover your specific needs, our vast array of resources and dynamic range of associates will ensure that you are headed in the right direction.

What sets us apart from other law firms is our unrelenting commitment to our client relationships. We make it our priority to really get to know our clients so we can better understand their businesses and help them succeed. When it comes to our clients everything matters!

Marc Koplowitz Group Photo

Marc Koplowitz Associates
"...the lawyer's greatest weapon is clarity, and its whetstone is succinctness"
- Judge Prettyman
390 Bay Street, Suite 2900
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2Y2
Tel: 416-368-1100
Fax: 416-368-1998
1000 Finch Avenue West, Suite 600
Toronto, Ontario M3J 2V5
Tel: 416-667-8000
Fax: 416-667-8004